
Business Assessment

Do this assessment to find out where you should focus your time right now!

This assessment will help you to understand where you are in the business journey and what areas of your business are ready for your focus.

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Sales and Marketing

Your sales and marketing efforts are the lifeblood of your business, so it's important to understand how they're performing. We'll help you understand which channels are working the best and where your opportunities for improvement are.

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Question 2 of 16

Lead management systems provide a central location for collecting, managing and tracking all of your contact information. Leads are generated from both inbound (inquiries) and outbound (advertising) campaigns. The system also allows you to manage tasks and activities associated with each lead to keep you organized, whether you need to provide additional details or follow up directly with the prospect.


What system do you have in place to manage leads and inquiries?


A - No tracking, or minimal paper tracking, Inconsistent. No idea how many leads or inquiries my company generates.


B - Spreadsheet tracking, or something similar, general idea of number of leads, but not accurate. Note every employee uses it properly or consistently


C - We have an automatic system for capturing leads and inquiries. We have a CRM, and automated email drip to nurture the leads.

Question 3 of 16

An appointment is a time-sensitive and ever-changing task. It may involve multiple staff members, multiple locations, schedules that need to be juggled, etc. Developing a system to assess incoming requests can help greatly with managing appointments and therefore your business revenue.


What type of system do you have in place to manage trials or consult-style appointments?


A - Phone in, email, message back and forth to set up. Very manual system.


B - Prospective clients select a time but manual response is needed.


C - We use an automated system that allows appointment selection and automated follow up, and the ability to reschedule.

Question 4 of 16

Assessing your social media efforts with metrics, including daily performance reports for each channel/posting format and statistics about likes, shares and comments, is helpful to determine effective campaigns.


What type of system do you have set up for social media?


A - I use my personal page, maybe a business page. Posts as needed.


B - Trying out ads, boosting posts. Not sure how to measure effectiveness. Some regular posting.


C - Tracking, optimizing, reporting, pre-scheduled posts, intentional campaigns, and curated professional presence.

Procedures and Training

These questions are all about the procedures and training in your business. They are designed to help you evaluate whether your staff is properly trained and able to handle situations that come up.


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Question 6 of 16

As an employer, you should have an HR department that can provide assistance in the following areas: Payroll items and how they are managed Salary slips and calculation Employer superannuation Taxation compliance.


How do you manage Payroll items?


A - Hand Calculated, Owner is the payroll department.


B - Spreadsheet, timesheets, maybe bookkeeper help, Manual checks issued to pay hires.


C - Payroll company, Auto calculated Auto deposit, Reporting goes to accountant. Human Resources company available for questions and issues.

Question 7 of 16

Training has been shown to increase retention and productivity. Having a repeatable training system in place for new hires ensures that they are proficient in customer service, sales and marketing, and administrative tasks.


Do you have a repeatable training system in place for new hires?


A - As needed, in the owner's head. Not repeatable, not recorded.


B - Have a manual, but it is incomplete. Training steps are not very clear, and training never seems to be complete.


C - Video screen recorded for training, some self-led training, some hands-on. Record who learned what and when. The process to go through the first 30, 60, 90 days is clear.

Question 8 of 16

A reliable process includes detailed information and documentation yet is flexible enough to accommodate individual employee needs. It should include: A professional contract, including payment terms and expectations; An onboarding orientation that covers company history, values, goals, policies and procedures.


Do you have a reliable contract and onboarding process for new hires?


A - Verbal agreement or weak contract, may not be signed, might not be enforceable.


B - Signed contract, lawyer reviewed and enforceable. Linked to handbook, policies and procedures. We have a reasonable process for onboarding a new hire.


C - Digital contract, automated onboarding. Recorded repeatable and consistent.


When considering the financial processes in your business, you should know what expenses to budget for, what payments people are making and when. If someone owes you money, having an effective system to collect and record it.


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Question 10 of 16

The finance department should have a dashboard with key financial metrics. The metrics may include sales, cost and profitability. This helps in making timely decisions to improve the business. 


What type of financial reporting do you have available?


A - No regular reports, only as needed, sometimes only annually, or incomplete numbers. using best guesses to make daily decisions.


B - Use a bookkeeper, maybe bimonthly reports, more complete but infrequent, maybe QuickBooks or similar, but not able to pull all numbers at any given time.


C - Dashboard, Weekly or daily updates. Current numbers to make decisions, Quickbooks, bookkeeper Accountant and coach available to ensue proper data for decision making.

Question 11 of 16

Having monthly budgets, quarterly budgets, annual budgets, and capital expenditure budgets is essential for company growth. These reports are used to help determine where investments should be made and follow up on actual results versus expectations.


What type of budgeting tools do you have available?


A - Owner does it all, not tracked, best guesses, may not even be written down to refer to.


B - Likely not all aspects accounted for, missing line items. Maybe a spreadsheet but not repeatable or built out to be 100% accurate.


C - All tracked, weekly/ daily reporting. Budget is all-encompassing, robust reusable/ repeatable forms, comparables year over year.

Question 12 of 16

The finance department is often responsible for tracking inventory and ensuring that orders/shipments are made on time. They are responsible for ensuring products and services are available to sell and that they are tracked and monitored.


What type of inventory management tools do you have available?


A - Not tracked or recorded, minimal recording as product/services as it comes in or leaves. Incomplete records.


B - Some tracking, partial database, but not everything is in it. No consistent system for reordering or management.


C - Linked to a database where sales are recorded automatically, online sales can be made. A detailed product/services list, with Cost to acquire, Cost to sell, and total inventory value. Know how much money is tied up waiting to be sold.

Task Management and Operations

Daily operations and task management, including the supervision of staff, preparation of monthly reports and project plans, answering phone calls and emails from clients.


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Question 14 of 16

Employees should know what is expected from them and how they can successful in their role. As well as the expectations of supervisors and managers, who receive feedback from their teams, and handbook is a place where answers to company policy and procedure is recorded and available at any time.


Do you have a handbook?


A - No Handbook, in owner's head. Write as needed.


B - Paper copy, but is incomplete and not up to date. Not everyone knows where it is or how to locate information.


C - Living document, all recorded, all in one place to be found by all staff and it is current and searchable.

Question 15 of 16

Task management is one of the key components of project monitoring, as it provides insight into action items that need to be completed. Task software helps you keep track of your team’s actions and status by assigning a due date, creating a checklist during each step, and providing notifications when deadlines are coming up. It can also repeat tasks that come up over and over again.


What sort of task management do you have in place?


A - Reactionary, no recorded processes. No one knows what to do next until they are told. Business is happening to the owner


B - Some tasks recorded, missing some things, still reactionary. No consistent system of ensuring work is proactively getting done.


C - Totally automated. Look in one spot to determine what needs to be done. Employees can execute with confidence knowing they are o top of their work and can see upcoming workload.

Question 16 of 16

An operation manual contains information for all staff, including new hires. The purpose of this manual is to provide clear, concise processes for the companies activities. Anyone should be able to look up a task in the manual and find well-documented steps on how to do something.


Do you have an operations manual?


A - Not recorded, in the owner's head where no one else can access the necessary information.


B - Some processes recorded, information in several places. Some are not accessible without owner. Some processes are recorded and others are not.


C - Recorded, searchable, current, scheduled annual review to ensure it stays up to date.

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